Thursday, December 10, 2009

Persecuted Church

Prosecution of the church is not a new thing. Christians have been persecuted since Jesus came to the earth. Christian persecution start with Jesus himself. Persecution in the being was the worse under the Roman Empire when Nero was Emperor.

Now that we know when persecution of Christians start now lets look at were it is now and what is the driving force of it. Today their are over 2 million people in over 60 different countries that are being denied their basic human right all because of one reason: They are all Christians.

There are five important trends that go hand-in-hand with Christians that are being persecuted.

1). Conflicts tend increasingly to occur within states, rather than between them. In such situations, religious tensions are likely to increase.
Many countries with a colonial past are seeking their own identity. Very often, this has strong ties to a religion.
Developments in the Muslim world are likely to have an increasing impact on the lives of Christians within the next decade. The population growth in the Arab world is 4.3 per cent, compared with economic growth of only 0.5 per cent. The population is very young, and this creates the conditions for the growth of radical elements.
4.) There great differences between the West's view of reality and that of developing countries.
I would like to say something here about the growth of the Christian Church. There is a clear misunderstanding in Europe today that religion is no longer relevant to the modern world. Nothing could be further from the truth. The amazing fact is that of the world's six billion people, only a tiny proportion - 151 million - call themselves atheists. There are two billion Christians, 1.2 billion Muslims, 786 million Hindus and 362 million Buddhists. Religion is, and will continue to be, at the very centre of our world, at the centre of the conflicts within it, and also at the centre of how these conflicts are resolved in the next Millennium.
This information is from the web site.

These five shifts are referred to as
paradigm shifts and are the princple reason why Christians are being persecuted today

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Can Homosexuals Change

This subject is one that is dear to my heart. I would like to shine a light on the subject of can homosexuals change. There are a number if Organizations out there that is there help those that are willing to walk out of the life style. Their are three that I would like to talk bring your attention to today. The first one is Exodus International this organization has another of resources and other information that can help you through this struggle. The Second organization is Focus on the family. Focus on the family has different resources that they can send you and also there are people that there to talk to you and pray with you if you need it. There is also a conference called Love won Out. These conferences are geared to informing people on how to deal and work through the struggle of homosexuality.

There is a book called God's Grace and the Homosexual next door by: Alan Chambers President of Exodus International.
In chapter 8 of the book entitled Turn or Burn? Five things not to do. Alan talks about things that the church should not say or do. The following are the things that Alan listed in the chapter.
  1. Hate the sin, love the sinner
  2. Assuming the gay person knows he or she is sinful
  3. Just say No to manipulation and bullying
  4. Don't walk on eggshells
  5. Don't forget your own need for a savior
(Gods Grace and the homosexual next door, Alan Chambers pg.133-151)

Alan Chambers stated on page 137 of God's Grace and the homosexual next door that:

"To say you hate homosexuality but love homosexuals doesn't make sense
to those whose primary identity lies within their sexuality."

I would like to for you all to think about what Mr. Chambers stated in the book. Lets all remember the five that things that Mr. Chambers said in his book the next time we talk to those in the homosexual lifestyle.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I know that God is here but I don't feel Him anymore

Well things have really changed since I have gotten back to the "burg" and school as started. I have changed my major after talking to a great friend(James Begley) over the summer. He told me that he believed in my and so have other since. I changed my major from Biblical Studies to Public Relations and I love my classes that are just what I was looking for thanks James.

Well you can see by the title that I am not struggling with classes but really the most important thing in life and that is Salvation. I know that I am a Christian and I know that I am saved and know Jesus as my personal Savior, but I don't feel Him anymore. I feel like I am in the desert or a better way of putting it I feel as if I am in Hell. I have been feeling this way for months, but here lately it has gotten worse. I have done things that are of this world and are not of God that is probably the reason. I have been thinking about things like that lately because if you were to look for m fruits I am not sure that you would see any.

I supposedly go to the most exciting Christian University in the world. I can say that there are times when it is exciting to be on campus here and that there are times when you have those wow moments but as a whole I feel as if the campus is changes and there is nothing to do to stop it. It is really sad when you see things that are not right and you bring it up to people and they say well policy is this or is that. I understand that a college needs to have sports,but when you hear more about the sporting events than you do about Jesus there is a problem. Also when classes are Cancelled for a game but when the spirit of the Lord is moving and you can feel it during a convo they will bring it to a stop when it is time to go to class. Also another thing that bothers me is why are we celebrateing Halloween I thought that we were a Christain school maybe I am wrong.

I came to LU because I wanted to get closer to God but I have gotten futher away and also brought brothers with me and that is not a Christain. I don't feel God any more but I know that He is there because He tells me He is. I have asked the Office of Student Leadership about maybe some one that could teach somethings and disciple me and Ias told since live off campus it was the Churches responceablity to do that. I have also been trying to give back by teaching a Bible study and have been told because of my past that I couldn't. I have tried to talk to Campus Pastor and have been told that they don't have time for me and as a commuter I want talk to me to go to the church that I am attenting and I only have been going to Campus church and the pastor is Johnnie Moorie, but he doesn't have time to talk to people.

I know what my problem is. It is not the Lord He as not changed it is the church that I don't like. I feel so far away from God because I am not going to church on top of everything else that is going on in my life. The problem is that I can't find any really good Bible Preaching churches instead of this feel good gospel. If I wanted to feel good I would go to the spa or something. I need to know what my Lord is saying and getting my toes stepped on. I know that it may not make sense to you but I need to hear what the Lord is saying not what you think He is saying and and how to feel good about myself and if I give the Lord 2,000 He will give me a new BMW, house and I will win the lottery. The only thing that I know for sure if that I have got to be able to feel the Lords presents with me. I would also like to see LU come back to the Lord we as a school fast to past judgment on others when we have a pluck in our eyes.


Saturday, June 20, 2009

What really does matter

Well I am back in the "Burg" and for all of you that are reading that may not be familiar with the that it is Lynchburg. I was in California for about 4 weeks but within that time that Lord taught me a lot about myself. I taught me that no matter what I have to stand on what I believe in no matter if no one else around me does or not. Well I left Cali on Tuesday morning at 7:30pt so that is 10:30 Est. I was on a plane for what seemed like forever, but i finally landed in Lynchburg at about 5:30 or 6 pm est. I was picked up from the airport by two of of my good friends and one that I consider a brother. I was so tired that I ended up getting sick and not being able to eat or sleep for a couple says. I have finally been able to eat and I thought I was going to be able to start sleeping again but as you can see I am writing this at 6:15 am another sleepless night. I am not sure why I allow people to get under my skin like I have. I have to learn to let stuff go and not hold on it things especially what people would say and think about me.

Well I guess you all are wondering what the title of this post is about. Well I have been thinking about things lately. I have lost friends because I didn't fit into there mold of people meaning I didn't make a lot of money, I don't look that good, I am not in a place to give a lot of money, and I am not in a high social position. So I have been asking myself this week what really matters in everyone life. I have had to reach my mind and my soul and I have figured that out in my life, but what matters most to you. Is it money, is it a position, is it who your friends are, is it what people can do for you, is it what can you do for others, is it a person in a social position that can help you, or it is a number of these or is it Jesus. I think we all need to look at this. I would like to share with you what I feel the Lord has see to me what matters in my life. I can say that what really matters me is my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. The next thing that matters to me is be serving others even when that don't like me and when they don't understand me. I really want to be able to give back to a community that at one time hurt me and is still hurting but my Savior has called me to Love everyone. I has to the point yesterday where I wanted to leave LU because of the people there but the Lord said no you are to and serve them. I am going back to LU to love those that others have given up on and love those that are different and to love those that the school has given up on. I am going to show Christ Love every where. I know I may not have any friends and after this is post I may not have a school but you know what I want to Love. I want to be that person that walks with my fellow brothers and sisters that may be going through a storm. If am remembering correctly I believe that it was our founder Dr, Jerry Falwall that always said that you are either going into a storm, in a storm or coming out of a storm. I want to be there with my brothers and sister as they start to go through the storm and walk with them as the are coming out of the storm. So what matters to me is my brothers and sisters and even those that are not my brothers and sisters. I want to be a light to those that are not a follower of Christ sometimes even more that I want to be there for my brothers and sisters. I would like to thank, Matt Mihelic, Holly Johnson, James Kimmey, Josiah Tillett, James Begley and also Colton Crossley for being that light and that friend to me. I am praying for you guys and I want you to know that the Lord is going to use you guys as light this next year I hope you are ready because I have a feeling our world is going to be rocked by Jesus like it has never be rocked before. So let me ask you again what matters to you?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My last night in California

Well my time in California has come to an end I have loved being here and loved the people that I have been able to meet and to work with. I came to the conclusion that me working with the church that I was working can not work out some differences. I am not sorry that I came out here because I was about to learn a lot in the short time that I was here. I am bring back with me some ideas to learn for and some to teach by. I am not peace about me going back. I am hoping to get back and start back to church at OFRBC and get involved there and do more to help teach there. I have been able to make great friends here and I was able to hangout with some of them tonight. I was also able to go and eat at Red Robins it was great I love the bottomless fries and drink.

You all I can think about the Chris Tomlin song "God of the City". I heard that song a number of times today and all I could do is cry because I know that there is a lot of stuff to do and there is every little time to do it. I am praying that the Lord will give me a little more time to talk to people of the homosexual community because they are in need of so much love. Love that only Christ can give them. It was sad to watch them as the ruling came down that the courts would uphold the vote and that prop 8 pasted. This community needs more to hold on to then just a ruling for there peace this community needs Jesus. Another thing that this community needs is love and we as Christians need to show them love, but just any love the love of Jesus. I want to challenge everyone not to judge these people but love them show them Jesus and talk to them about what Jesus has done for you. Again guys these people need more to believe in than the rulings, votes and there way of life. These people need to be shown the love of Jesus. I believe the Lord is sending be back so soon because I am not ready for the field in which He has called me, but that I am going back to LU this summer to be able to have a one on one time with a great friend and pastor to learn from him and to listen to what the Lord is telling him to tell me.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Another 2 weeks

Well it has been another 2 weeks here in California. I have finally gotten use to the time difference I think. I am not sleeping as well as I would like to but you know I get by. I would like to say that everything here is going great but the truth is that it is not going as well as I was hoping, but I guess that happens sometimes. Don't get me wrong I am really enjoying being here and working for the Lord. I am working for two churches one in Chino Hills and the other in Sliver lake area of LA. I was there today helping the Pastor as he coached his tee ball team. I know me helping coach a sport you just had to see it I was great fielding balls and stuff.

I am loving it here tho even of it was not really what I thought it was going to be. I am able to work in church where as if I were back home I would not be able to. I am really thinking about staying out here I really am not sure if I want to leave the Church that I am working with in Sliver lake to come back to Liberty in the fall. I am thinking about about finishing up online so that I can stay out here and do the work of the Lord. People we don't have long and there is so much to do. The Labor pains have started and once that start they can not be stop but the only think that will happen is that they will closer and closer until full labor sits in. I think that as Christians we have to remember (John 9:4) which states:"We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work." This Verse hit me hard this week because I have not been working and the sun is starting to set. I don't want to waste my time with people that really could care less of I were there and that think that i have nothing to offer. I want to spend it being able to love people and show Christ to them. I want to stay here and allow people to see Christ through me and through what I do and say. There are so many hurting and lost people here. I would like to ask you guys to continue for me that I will do the will of God and not mine. I would also like to ask you to pray that people see Christ and not me. I Love you guys and this is it until next time. Feel free to leave a comment or question.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My First two weeks in Califorina

As most of you know I am doing an internship in California, The internship is one where I will be working with church planters and learn how to plant a healthy church.

Well I got to California on May 18th at 6:30 pm Pacific Time so for all you guys on the east coast that is 9:30pm. On my first night here Pastor Kevin, Pastor Alan, and Darryl picked me up from the airport and we went to Applebees to eat. These guys are guys in the local church that am also an intern in. The name of the church is Cornerstone Bible Community Church there are about 40 or so members in the church. I am also staying with a single guy from the church where I am able to stay for free and the food I eat is also free so I am not spending a dime at this moment. When I think about a church this is what I think about a body of believers opening the doors for a fellow believer that is not in there local family. Sorry i am going down rabbit trails but back to my roomie for the summer. He is a great guy and we get along really well. Again he has opened up his new house for me rent free. His name is Tim and he works for Direct TV. He is also going to to Grad school where he is working on MBA. Not only do I have a free place to stay I also have a free vehicle to drive. My car for the summer is a Honda Mini Van and I am sure that you guys can picture me driving it and if you are lucky I might post pics of me in the van as well as my new family here.

I have really not done anything but get all the interns for this summer ready for a project that we are doing for NAMB. The project is called the Parachutt Project and that is where you take a group of people and you drop them in a coummity and we are there to survey the area to see if a church would fit there, not only that we are also there to get to know the people and the area as well as to prayer walk the area. I am actually going to be working in an area where there is a group of people that are meeting already and are about to plant a church. I am going to be working in the Silverlake West Hollywood area. So I have been getting all of our teams ready to start on Monday to reach the communities that we are asigned to Christ. My prayer is that the people do not see me but that they do see Christ. I really wish that I had more to say but I am going to try and update on here on a daily bases, but you guys please feel free to ask me question and I welcome our prayer.

Love you guys

Romans 12:1-2